Under normal circumstances, most business owners would never think about hiring an infection prevention service for their facilities. However, we aren’t living under normal circumstances, and scheduling electrostatic disinfecting services in Buffalo with our contract cleaners is one of the best ways you can protect yourself and your team from coronavirus.
As coronavirus continues to spread around the world, we are reminded of the importance of cleaning and disinfecting. While traditional methods may be fine for a typical flu season or staving off the common cold, a virus as aggressive as the coronavirus calls for a more aggressive, thorough response.
Our professional disinfecting services with the Victory Electro Static Sprayer and Betco’s Triforce Disinfectant effectively and efficiently disinfect every hard surface in your facility, creating a safer, healthier space.
The Victory Electrostatic Sprayer breaks down droplets of disinfectant into even smaller micron droplets, allowing for thorough, more even coverage of the targeted area. It also charges the droplets as they leave the sprayer, enabling the droplets to reach objects and surfaces more easily. This further assures even more thorough coverage of disinfectant, especially in hard-to-reach areas.
This tool allows professional disinfection service to effectively and efficiently disinfect your entire space and in less time than traditional methods.
Consider a typical office desk: on top sits a computer and keyboard, various office supplies, a phone and other objects. Disinfecting each one of these components using conventional methods, like spraying and wiping, is time-consuming and not very effective. With the our electrostatic disinfection services, we can thoroughly and completely disinfect every object in just minutes.
With this technology, our professional disinfection services can disinfect in nearly any space, including work stations, payment centers, call centers, break rooms trucks, buses, airplanes, office settings, keyboards, gyms and on high-touch points in any facility.
The Victory Electrostatic Sprayer is a vital tool, but Betco’s Triforce Disinfectant is our secret weapon against coronavirus and other pathogens. Unlike other formulas that require dwell times of ten minutes or more, Triforce disinfects in just three minutes and is effective against a broad spectrum of pathogens, including influenza, hepatitis B & C, HIV and more.
Specially-formulated to aid in the reduction of cross-contamination on treated surfaces in schools, hospitals, institutions and other public facilities, it is even effective on soft surfaces.
*While Betco Triforce Disinfectant spray is proven to kill viruses, there is no absolute guarantee. It does not kill viruses that are brought back in to the building after the spraying has been completed.
If you are worried about coronavirus in your facility, please contact us today to schedule our professional disinfection services in Buffalo. As always, we are committed to creating cleaner, healthier and safer spaces, and we are proud to offer electrostatic spraying for the most complete and effective disinfection possible. Click the button below or call us at 1-716-854-1408 to contact us.